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Projects and dissertations - Oxford Brookes University
If you are about to embark on an Undergraduate project or dissertation, please read and familiarise yourself with the following guidelines. To achieve an Honours Degree, a student must pass at least 6 acceptable Honours Level module credits. This will normally include 2 module credits of dissertations, project or synoptic study.
A dissertation is an extended study dissertation deadline brookes a topic agreed as appropriate for a Subject. It does not necessarily involve original research or the study of unpublished or primary material.
A project is also an extended study of a topic, but in addition usually involves data collection through experimental work or primary investigation. As such, dissertation deadline brookes, it should demonstrate similar abilities to those listed for a dissertation and in addition the ability to plan experiments or data collection and interpret and analyse data.
An interdisciplinary dissertation or project is a project or dissertation in which, provided the topic is relevant to each of the two Subjects, there is no need for a quantitative measure of the proportion contributed by each. As such, dissertation deadline brookes, criteria for acceptability of a topic are different from those used for a project or dissertation set wholly within one Subject.
The topic should be formulated so that the project or dissertation may demonstrate those skills, knowledge and understanding acquired in both Subjects have been appropriately used.
An interdisciplinary topic is seen as a desirable option, not a requirement for single Subject students. approximately hours for a double module. The word supervision is used to cover a number of learning and teaching activities including individual tutorials, small group tutorials, or commentary on drafts. If students find that the requirements for style, format or content from the two subjects are incompatible or otherwise appear to inhibit the appropriate investigation of the approved topic, they should consult the Module Leaders immediately, who should resolve the problem as a matter of urgency.
In case of difficulty, Student Central should be consulted. Changes to module registration are only permitted during the relevant module registration window. Once the module registration window has closed it is not possible to dissertation deadline brookes from the dissertation once the module has been registered.
To adjust the module codes the Module Leader must contact programmesupport brookes. Students who do not attempt the first submission will not be eligible for a resit. The Module Leader will inform the student of the resit requirements following release of the results, dissertation deadline brookes. Resubmitted projects must be submitted at the normal resit deadlines. Students going on exchange are expected to make arrangements with their supervisor before they leave the UK and it is their responsibility to keep in dissertation deadline brookes with the supervisor and to keep them appraised of any developments or changes of direction whilst they are away.
You are here: Home Students Your studies Projects and dissertations. In this section: Your academic studies Sub menu Student Information training and support Student request forms Programme advice and support Module choices Timetabling Projects and dissertations Turnitin guidance and resources Exceptional circumstances Resits and retakes Results and awards Grade Point Average Certificates, award verification and transcripts Student transfer arrangements Brookes Charter.
Projects and dissertations If you are about to embark on an Undergraduate project or dissertation, dissertation deadline brookes, please read and familiarise yourself with the following guidelines. Ethics review forms on Research Ethics website Guidelines for students. Regulations, rationale and definitions. Students can register for a project or dissertation module in the module registration window prior to the start of their final year, dissertation deadline brookes.
Students admitted with credit to the final year of a programme may need to register their dissertation soon after enrolment in Semester 1, dissertation deadline brookes. Part-time students would normally register no later than two semesters before their expected completion date. Part-time students should check when these meetings are taking place and make every effort to attend.
At the time specified by the Subject, dissertation deadline brookes, the student will negotiate with a supervisor to agree a provisional topic and supervision arrangements. Supervision and study, dissertation deadline brookes.
Interdisciplinary problems: If students find that the requirements for style, format or content from the two subjects are incompatible or otherwise appear to inhibit the appropriate investigation of the approved topic, they should consult the Module Leaders immediately, who should resolve the problem as a matter of urgency.
All dissertations should be submitted electronically rather than in hard copy by 4. Please dissertation deadline brookes the Dissertation Module Leader with any queries relating to dissertation deadline brookes submission format or deadline. Extension of deadlines, dissertation deadline brookes. The University has approved a way in which circumstances that may have affected your performance in an assessment will be considered.
For full details, see our exceptional circumstances webpages. Late submission. Late coursework will receive no marks. This penalty is imposed so that students who submit work on time even though it is not as good as they would like are not at a disadvantage when compared with students who choose to miss the deadline and spend longer on their work so that they may do better. In fairness then, to all students, Module Leaders are required to impose this penalty for late coursework except where students have negotiated extensions in advance through exceptional circumstances for reasons outside their control.
Withdrawal or change of registration. Withdrawal: Changes to module registration are only permitted during the relevant module registration window. Assessment requirements and assessment feedback. The appropriate length or style of a project report or dissertation will vary according to the topic chosen; a dissertation deadline brookes dissertation for a double module should normally be of the order of 8, words with a maximum of 10, words.
Subjects will specify Subject specific lengths if they are below this length. Reports or dissertations exceeding the maximum length will normally be given fewer marks than work of a similar quality that is below the maximum length. However, Module Dissertation deadline brookes will have informed students on how they may receive feedback after this process is complete, even if the students have completed their course by that date. Resubmission: criteria and arrangements.
Students intending to go on an Exchange in their final year: Students going dissertation deadline brookes exchange are expected to make arrangements with their supervisor before they leave the UK and it is their responsibility to keep in touch with the supervisor and to keep them appraised of any developments or changes of direction whilst they are away.
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